Source code for qulab.serialize

import lzma
import pickle
import struct
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from qulab import umsgpack

__index = 0
__pack_handlers = {}
__unpack_handlers = {}

cls = TypeVar('cls')

[docs]def register(cls: type, encode: Callable[[cls], bytes] = pickle.dumps, decode: Callable[[bytes], cls] = pickle.loads) -> None: """ Register a serializable type Args: cls: type encode: Callable translate an object of type `cls` into `bytes` default: pickle.dumps decode: Callable translate `bytes` to an object of type `cls` default: pickle.loads """ global __index __index += 1 t = __index __pack_handlers[cls] = lambda obj: umsgpack.Ext(t, encode(obj)) __unpack_handlers[t] = lambda ext: decode(
[docs]def pack(obj: Any) -> bytes: """ Serialize """ return umsgpack.packb(obj, ext_handlers=__pack_handlers)
[docs]def unpack(buff: bytes) -> Any: """ Unserialize """ return umsgpack.unpackb(buff, ext_handlers=__unpack_handlers)
[docs]def packz(obj: Any) -> bytes: """ Serialize and compress. """ return lzma.compress(pack(obj), format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ)
[docs]def unpackz(buff: bytes) -> Any: """ Decompress and unserialize. """ return unpack(lzma.decompress(buff, format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ))
[docs]def encode_excepion(e: Exception) -> bytes: e.__traceback__ = None return pickle.dumps(e)
register(Exception, encode_excepion)